About Strategic Planning

Define the long-term strategy and optimize resource allocation to achieve your organization's vision. Articulate your strategic plan and focus your strategy toward organizational alignment.


  • Recommended for
    Recommended for

    Any organization, regardless of industry or size.

  • Why do you need it
    Why do you need it

    Review if you have the right combination of tools, processes, human resources, and environment to achieve strategic focus and alignment across the organization.

  • Expected results
    Expected results

    Clear vision and direction enable focus on what matters, strengthen operations, and achieve strategic objectives.

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    Start with the self-assessment to determine how well your organization manages strategic planning.

    Take it for free! 5
  • Toolkit Licensing

    Purchase the toolkit license for internal use and perform a complete assessment of your strategic planning capability.

    Choose a Plan! 5
  • Performance Audit

    If you want to achieve business objectives, go for a Strategic Planning Maturity Audit performed by GPA Unit experts.

    Get started! 5

    Interested in conducting performance assessments? Become a Certified Performance Audit Professional and Practitioner!

    Become Certified! 5


Strategy planning ranks second (21%) after building a performance culture regarding challenging top management responsibilities (26%). (The KPI Institute, insight collected at conference Future of Strategy Execution Roadshow 2017)

Only 16% of organizations do not have clear KPIs associated with their strategic objectives.

35% of organizations structure their strategy around the Balanced Scorecard perspectives, and 32% choose a different approach customized to their particularities.

64% of organizations claim to have an Office of Strategy. (The KPI Institute, State of Performance Improvement and KPIs, 2016).

80% of managers admit they use SMART objectives and have all the necessary funds to execute the strategy.

59% of managers feel they cannot rely on colleagues from other departments to deliver on their commitments.

Only 24% of executives consider they adapt effectively to market changes in terms of relocating people and funds and terminating unsuccessful initiatives in due time.

51% of managers would like to secure resources outside the strategic objectives to pursue attractive opportunities not captured by the strategic plan. (Harvard Business Review, 2015)

From Sun Tzu’s Art of War, one of the first known recordings on strategy, to the multitude of contemporary studies on the topic, strategy management has been evolving for centuries. In 1912, Harvard University was the first higher education institution to offer a course on how business executives could improve their practices to achieve better results. However, the acceptance of strategy management as an essential skill and knowledge of every business professional came about only in 1959, under the pressure of the Ford Foundation. In 1980, two significant events marked profoundly the strategy management field: the creation of Strategy Management Journal and Michael Porter’s book “Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors”.




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