October 11th, 2024

The Best and the Rest

Advice giving is a tough-nut-to-crack kind of game. Not because coming up with good advice is hard to do, but because we’re so different – so much so that, sometimes, it feels like speaking a foreign language.

However, when you split the professional life from the personal one, anyone can see that the world of advice-giving is populated by outliers.

When money advice is needed, many look to Buffett, Lynch or Bogle; when we want to be in a great physical shape, we look at bodybuilders or high-profile athletes. If car advice is in demand, we look to likes of Lewis Hamilton or Jeremy Clarkson and if we search for advice in career-development, our go-to guys are any of the world-famous CEO’s. And the list can go on, but I’m sure you got my drift. No matter what we’re looking for, this search pattern is a decent strategy.

Being the best is clearly more important than just hitting the comfortable middle point. And by focusing on outliers, you eliminate a lot of mediocre advice.

The Certification in Performance Management Systems Audit Professional is no exception. Not because we say it; but because someone interested in this field will always look for the whole package: hands-on experience, real-life knowledge, well-built information assimilation system and a trusted delivery format with experienced instructors.

If skills and knowledge improvement is what you’re aiming for going forward in your career, just drop us a line and let’s see how we can pitch in to your future plans.


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