
  • “Measuring the organizations performance management system maturity is critical throughout the lifecycle of implementing such a project, especially in its inception, to find the best line of improvement where the organization has to work on as it gives guidelines of where it has to direct its focus and build its capability. GPA Unit, The KPI Institute audit division, as a very specialized organization, has done an excellent job of developing the framework in a very detailed form, which reflected the best practices in the field. I am extremely content to collaborate with them and I look forward to adopt their maturity assessment model in all the organizations that I am affiliated with.”

    Dr. Mohamed Moustafa Mahmoud (Dr. 3M)
    Founder and CEO

  • “Assessing our performance management capability by using the performance maturity model framework provided to us, by the GPA Unit, with their detailed insights regarding our current maturity level has helped our organization to understand its gaps and build a roadmap for continuous improvement. It will most certainly allow us to review and discuss our progress, during the next few months, which we are sure will elevate our performance management system’s maturity from the current level to the next one.”

    Udoy Chatterjee
    Chief Operating Officer
    See the case study $



    Organization name: MEFIC Capital Investment

    Description: MEFIC Capital is a reputable financial services company in Saudi Arabia. Licensed by the Capital Market Authority (CMA) and backed by the highest caliber of professionals, MEFIC provides clients with services in five main categories: Asset Management, Corporate Finance, Brokerage & Custody and Advisory. MEFIC's shareholders consist of prominent regional institutions such as Ahli United Bank – Kuwait, Ahli United Bank –Bahrain, The Arab Investment Company (TAIC) as well as a number of astute and influential business individuals considered leaders in the financial investments and advisory fields.

    Sector: Financial Institutions

    Staff: 11-50 employees

    Functional area: Integrated Performance

    Industry: Financial

    Country: Saudi Arabia

    City: Riyadh


    Scope: Integrated Performance Audit

    Period: September - November 2016

    Engagement Length: 3 months



    The purpose of the Integrated Performance Audit deployed by The GPA Unit for MEFIC was to provide an overview on the maturity level of MEFIC in terms of managing performance and becoming a best practice example in the industry. The audit was performed in the beginning of a project delivered by The KPI Institute to review and improve the Performance Management Framework of MEFIC.


    A thorough assessment of the Performance Management Framework including:

    • An internal documentation analysis
    • Deploying the Integrated Performance Maturity Model Survey consisted of 175 statements pertaining to the following categories: Strategic Planning, Performance Measurement, Performance Management and Performance Culture
    • Conducting interviews with key stakeholders


    • An audit report that indicates the maturity level of the Performance Management System and further efforts needed to elevate the organization to the next maturity level
    • By analyzing current practices, improvement recommendations were made to support the performance management capability development
    • Valuable insights into the company’s Performance Management System and the usage of processes, tools and policies, and their perception by the company’s main stakeholders



  • “As part of developing a KPI Performance Management System in our Medical City, we implemented a maturity model to know where we are standing and what are our gaps, as well as to help us understand what we need to implement in the future, when we will embark on new projects. After we implement this current plan of action based on the maturity assessment performed, we shall reuse this tool to see how much progress we have achieved.”

    Khalid Alswat
    Vice Dean Quality
    King Saud University - Medical City
    See the case study $



    Organization name: King Saud University Medical City (KSUMC)

    Description: King Saud University Medical City (KSUMC) is not only a healthcare center providing a vast range of medical services, but also the first and largest medical school in Saudi Arabia. KSUMC is international recognized center for training in medicine and surgery. Through graduating more than 5000 medical students so far, many of which are national health care leaders, it has been an icon in medical education, research, and advanced health care in Saudi Arabia.

    Sector: Healthcare Services

    Staff: +5,000 employees

    Functional area: Integrated Performance

    Industry: Healthcare

    Country: Saudi Arabia

    City: Riyadh


    Scope: Integrated Performance Audit

    Period: June - August 2016

    Engagement Length: 3 months



    The purpose of the Integrated Performance Audit deployed by The GPA Unit for KSUMC was to provide an overview on the maturity level of KSUMC in terms of managing performance and to deliver outputs designed to support performance improvement.


    A thorough assessment of the Performance Management Framework including:

    • An internal documentation analysis
    • Deploying the Integrated Performance Maturity Model Survey consisted of 228 statements pertaining to the following categories: Strategic Planning, Performance Measurement, Performance Management and Performance Culture
    • Conducting interviews with key stakeholders

    The audience of the survey covered different hierarchical levels: Top Management, Chairmen, Unit Heads, Quality Department and Data Custodians. In total the survey was sent to 525 employees, out of which 40% replied.


    • An audit report that indicates the maturity level of the Performance Management System and contains findings that indicate strengths and weaknesses
    • By analyzing current practices and collecting on the perspective of the main stakeholders, improvement recommendations were made to support the performance management capability development in a Roadmap for Improvement Report
    • A Roadmap for Improvement Infographic designed to track progress with initiatives during Performance Review Meetings
    • Valuable insights into the company’s Performance Management System and the usage of processes, tools and policies, and their perception by the company’s main stakeholders




  • NORDEA IT is a shared services IT company operating under NORDEA Group. NORDEA IT actively develops IT systems and applications supporting NORDEA’s Group banking activities in the retail and corporate sector. The primary task of NORDEA IT is to ensure the development of high quality software and the smooth operation of key applications used in banking. Moreover, NORDEA IT provides project management support for international projects pursued by the Nordea Group in Baltic States and Scandinavia.

    Sector: Financial Institutions
    Functional area: Performance Measurement
    See the case study $



    Organization name: Nordea IT Group

    Description: NORDEA IT is a shared services IT company operating under NORDEA Group.  NORDEA IT actively develops IT systems and applications supporting NORDEA’s Group banking activities in the retail and corporate sector. The primary task of NORDEA IT is to ensure the development of high quality software and the smooth operation of key applications used in banking. Moreover, NORDEA IT provides project management support for international projects pursued by the Nordea Group in Baltic States and Scandinavia.

    Sector: Financial Institutions

    Staff: 10,001+ employees

    Functional area: Performance Measurement

    Industry: Financial

    Country: Sweden

    City: Stockholm


    Scope: Performance Measurement Audit

    Period: September 2015

    Engagement Length: one month



    The Performance Measurement Audit was designed to assess the maturity level of Nordea Group IT in terms of the company’s approach towards performance measurement.


    A thorough assessment of the Performance Measurement Framework including:

    • An internal documentation analysis
    • Deploying the Performance Measurement Maturity Model Survey consisted of 86 statements structured on 6 dimensions: KPI Selection, KPI Documentation, Target Setting, Data Gathering, KPI Data Visualization and KPI Governance
    • Conducting interviews with key stakeholders


    • An audit report containing findings that indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the Performance Measurement Framework and further efforts needed to elevate the organization to the next maturity level
    • By analyzing current practices, improvement recommendations were made to support the performance measurement capability development
    • Valuable insights into the company’s Performance Measurement System and the usage of processes, tools and policies, and their perception by the company’s main stakeholders



  • The Financial Audit Department (FAD) collaborated with the GPA Unit in customizing their Integrated Performance Maturity Model Framework to enable FAD in assessing the performance management systems in its subject entities... The GPA Unit was the right choice for the delivery of our program and we look forward to any future collaboration that may arise from here on. It is our pleasure to recommend the GPA Unit to any organization interested in assessing and, otherwise, improving their performance management.

    Talal El Hashemi
    Acting - Head of Technical Office
    The Financial Audit Department (FAD)
    See the case study $

    The Financial Audit Department (FAD)


    Organization name: The Financial Audit Department (FAD)

    Description: The Financial Audit Department (FAD) is the supreme audit institution in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Traditionally, the institution deployed financial, performance and compliance audits to all government departments, public corporations and companies in which the government holds more than 25% shares.

    Sector: Financial Institutions

    Staff: 100-200

    Functional area: Performance Audit Custom Framework

    Industry: Financial

    Country: United Arab Emirates (UAE)

    City: Dubai


    Scope: Custom Performance Audit

    Period: October - November 2016

    Engagement Length: 2 months



    Since 2015, FAD has decided to include in its audit framework a new element – the Performance Management System Audit. FAD’s auditing framework was under review for several years looking towards creating an integrated approach between different types of auditing.

    The framework defined in 2015 contains 2 pillars: Financial and Performance Audit. The audit methodology chosen by FAD for Performance Management Systems is provided by The Global Performance Audit Unit operated by The KPI Institute.


    • The survey and interview components were excluded from our Integrated Performance Maturity Model standard product to make the assessment more time effective and reduce the risk of collecting biased responses. The audit relies exclusively on rating best practices by verification of documents and discussions with the evaluated entity to clarify any matters related to the documentation sent
    • The scoring and aggregation method was aligned with the rest of the 4 models in order to ease the assessment process for auditors
    • The “N/A” option was introduced for those best practices that may not be relevant for the governmental entity


    • The customization of the standard Performance Management System Maturity Model and audit procedure to address specific challenges when auditing governmental entities and to meet specific context requirement of the client
    • A guidance document provides clear criteria for each document analyzed in order to be rated as “Practiced” “Partially practiced” or “Not practiced”
    • Training programs were offered both as online and face-to-face:

    o   3 hours of asynchronous online learning are available for FAD’s auditors on The KPI Institute’s eLearning platform and they can be accessed at any time. The videos cover the main performance management tools and processes

    o   2 days face-to-face training was organized for 4 groups of participants (80 auditors trained)


    "The Financial Audit Department (FAD) collaborated with the GPA Unit in customizing their Integrated Performance Maturity Model Framework to enable FAD in assessing the performance management systems in its subject entities, which include governmental entities and private organizations. The project involved both framework customization and training for FAD's auditors.

    The GPA Unit's approach was focused on understanding our demand for workable solutions that would ultimately enable us to refine the framework. In doing so, the GPA Unit demonstrated flexibility and cooperation in creating an assessment that would fit auditing FAD subject entities.

    The subject of the training program enabled our auditors to understand a new field for them; performance management, as well as the performance management system assessment toolkit to be used for auditing entities.

    The GPA Unit was the right choice for the delivery of our program and we look forward to any future collaboration that may arise from here on. It is our pleasure to recommend the GPA Unit to any organization interested in assessing and, otherwise, improving their performance management."

    Acting - Head of Technical Office

    Talal El Hashemi



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