Each statement in the questionnaire has to be rated on a scale from 1 to 5, based on the extend to which it applies in the organization.

  • 1 - A very small extent
  • 2 - A small extent
  • 3 - A moderate extent
  • 4 - A large extent
  • 5 - A very large extent

1. Software solutions are used to analyze the KPI results.

2. The organization is using data analysis as part of interpreting KPI results.

3. Data is analyzed regularly in accordance with a predefined frequency, once the KPI data is collected.

4. The data analysis process generates valuable insight that supports the decision making process.

1. A performance report including all KPIs results and comments is generated at the end of each performance management lifecycle.

2. The Performance Reports of the organizations are comprehensive.

3. Performance Reports are generated on time.

4. Performance reporting is transparent and information is disseminated to a large number of key stakeholders (including first line employees) based on different access levels to data.

1. The decision making process is based on performance review meetings.

2. All key stakeholders/KPI owners and other relevant decision makers are answering the invitation and generally attend the performance review meetings.

3. The decision making process is based on an extensive analysis of KPI data and initiative review.

4. The decisions made during the performance review meetings are communicated to key stakeholders.

1. The entity uses a standardized Initiative Documentation Form.

2. All initiatives are clearly associated to objectives.

3. All approved and implemented initiatives have an assigned owner, responsible for the implementation process.

4. The initiatives status is reviewed and reported with regularity, at least during each performance management cycle (reporting period).

1. An Innovation Box/ Improvement Ideas Box is made available to all the entities employees if they are interested to bring their contribution to the continuous improvement of the entity's performance.

2. A Lessons Learned Log is kept and updated throughout the Performance Management Cycle.

3. Improvement ideas generated by employees are actively considered for implementation, once analyzed and approved.

4. Valuable lesson to be learned, approved ideas for improvement and any update or change made to the performance management system are thoroughly communicated across the organization.

1. There is a dedicated performance management capability / office of performance management in the organization.

2. There is a comprehensive manual or chapter of a manual reflecting all the key organizational performance improvement procedures and tools.

3. The organization has a well structured communication plan for performance results.

4. The performance management system is implemented and integrated with clear designated roles and responsibilities across the entire organization.



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